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FAQs for Earning a GED® in Guam

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How to Get a GED® in Guam

If you’re at least 18, you can get your GED® in Guam by testing online or in person. You must present a government-issued ID showing your age and residency to take the GED®. There’s a fee to take the GED® in Guam, but you’re not required to take additional classes before taking the test.

The Guam GED® test includes Math, Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts sections. You can test for each subject one at a time or take all subjects at once. There are also accommodations available for those with disabilities.

Creating Your Online Account

Creating your free account with is your first step toward earning your GED® in Guam. It’s fast and easy. Once you provide basic information about yourself and create your username and password, you’ll be on your way to finding the tools you need to earn your GED®. We’ll keep track of your goals and test scores. GED®.com provides access to study methods, refresher classes, test-taking tips and tricks, and Guam GED® practice tests to help prepare for your exam.

Classes and Testing Centers Near You

Guam has classes and support systems to help you achieve your GED® goals. You can enroll in nearby courses to help you brush up on each testing area’s material and meet others with the same goals and dreams you’re working toward. Just log in to your account to get started.

Public testing locations in Guam are available where you can schedule your Guam GED® test.

Online Classes

Guam offers the additional flexibility of online class options. You can still attend live classes with an online group, access recorded teaching materials, ask questions of your teacher and much more. Both GED® class options cover the material you may need to brush up on.

GED® Tests Online in Guam

You can earn your GED® online in Guam or attend an in-person testing center. If you choose an online testing option, you must ensure you have a private computer with a webcam and reliable internet. You’ll also need a private area with a door to complete the test. There should be no interruptions while you test.

Ready to Earn Your GED® in Guam?

Are you ready to create a better future by earning your Guam GED? Find where you can take GED® classes or enroll for GED® tests in Guam and get started today!