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Exhibit Number 7

EXHIBIT 7a United States

General Directions for the administration of the GED® Test in the United States

These directions are applicable to all GED® content area tests and should be read verbatim before any candidate begins taking any GED® content area test.  If testing order differs from that in this booklet, read these directions aloud before the first test.

SAY: On behalf of the GED Testing Service, and [name of your local testing center], I welcome you today to GED® testing, and wish you success in earning a [name of your jurisdiction’s credential].

SAY:  (If applicable to the facility) Please check around your seat and on your person. Take all personal items, including tote bags, purses, pens, pencils, backpacks, calculators, jackets, coats, hats, food items, books, dictionaries, notebooks, scratch papers, and electronic devices, including cell phones and cameras, and any other non-approved items to the designated storage area before we start the testing session.

Pause and allow candidates time to store their possessions.

SAY: If during or after testing any of these items are found at your seat or in your possession, we will collect your test materials, your test fee will be forfeited, your test scores will not be released, you will be required to leave the testing area and you may be prohibited from taking the GED® test in the future. Now, let us review a few general guidelines. Please do not mark or write in the test booklets. You may leave the testing room only after you complete a test and we collect your testing materials and I have given you permission to get out of your seat and leave. If you have an emergency and must leave the testing room, we will collect all of your testing materials and you will not be allowed to continue on the test on which you are working. We will score the incomplete test. You will be allowed to start testing when the next test session begins.

SAY: There is some information that you need to know before you start the test.  You should not spend too much time on a question whose answer you do not know; answer it if you can, and go on to the next question.  It is to your advantage to answer every question.  Your score is determined by the number of questions you answer correctly.  Even if you are not certain of the answer to a question, you may wish to mark the answer that appears to be the best choice.  You must use a number 2 pencil when answering the questions in your answer document.

SAY: You will be recording your answers on the answer document, marking your selection by completely filling in the circle of the answer choice that you have chosen.  Make no stray marks on the answer document.  If you erase, do so completely.  Make sure that every mark on the answer document corresponds to the number of the question and to your answer choice.  Again, please do not write in the test booklet unless specifically directed.  Are there any questions about recording your answers on the answer document?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: During testing, do not look at any other candidate’s answer document, do not talk, and do not make any unnecessary noise.  If you appear to be copying answers, using notes, or acting suspiciously, we will collect your test materials, your test scores will not be released, you will be required to leave the testing area, and you may be prohibited from taking the GED® test in the future. Likewise, if your activity makes it difficult for others to concentrate on their work, we will collect your test materials, your test scores will not be released, you will be required to leave the testing area, and you may be prohibited from taking the GED® test in the future.  The only items that should be on your desk are the materials we give to you.

Directions for the Mathematical Reasoning Test, Part 1

Mathematical Reasoning Test Part 1 and Mathematical Reasoning Test Part 2 must be administered on the same day.

Distribute only the Part 1 test booklet, answer document, note board, and dry erase marker. Do NOT distribute a calculator for Part 1.

SAY: On the Mathematical Reasoning test answer document, review the pre-printed information that appears at the top of the front page.  Make sure that your name is printed correctly.  Below your name, indicate if there have been any changes to your name since the last time you took a GED® test.

SAY: Below the identification information, the directions are as follows: Use a pencil with an eraser to complete this test.  Make solid dark marks that completely fill the circle. Completely erase any answers you wish to change.  Do not make any marks other than marking in the squares or writing in a number, when required.  You may NOT use a calculator on Part 1 of the Mathematical Reasoning test. Calculators are allowed on Part 2 of the Mathematical Reasoning test.

SAY: The Mathematical Reasoning test is taken in two parts. The time allowed for the entire Mathematical Reasoning Test is 1 hour and 50 minutes to complete all questions for both Parts 1 and 2.  Once you begin Part 2, you will not be able to return to Part 1.  You should plan to spend no more than 10 minutes on Part 1 so that you have enough time to complete Part 2.  I will make an announcement after 10 minutes has passed, suggesting that you consider moving on to Part 2.

SAY: If you are ready to move onto Part 2 after 10 minutes, raise your hand and an Examiner will come and collect your Part 1 test booklet, answer document, and the used note board.  The Examiner will then give you Part 2 of the Mathematical Reasoning test, a new note board, and a calculator.

SAY: If you are not ready to move onto Part 2 after 10 minutes, continue Part 1, but remember that your total testing time is for BOTH parts in total.  You will see the total test time on the directions page of your test booklet.  Work carefully, but do not spend too much time on any one question.  Be sure to answer every question.

SAY: Turn to page 2 of your test booklet and read the directions and the sample questions provided, but do not turn past the sample pages of the booklet yet.  Formulas that you may need will be provided by the Examiner.  Not all of the questions will require you to use a formula and you may not need to use all formulas.

Pause and give a few minutes to allow review of the sample questions and general directions.

SAY: Open your test booklet to test question 1.  The time starts now; you may begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time on a chalkboard, whiteboard, or flip chart. After the candidates start the test, walk around the room and check the answer documents to ensure that the candidates are in the correct section of the answer document. Quietly circulate often.

After 10 minutes

SAY:  It is suggested that you complete Part 1 within 10 minutes; however, you are not limited to 10 minutes.  Once you have completed Part 1, raise your hand and an Examiner will come to collect your Part 1 booklet, answer document, and note board.

Directions for the Mathematical Reasoning Test, Part 2

As candidates complete Part 1, collect the test booklet, answer sheet, and note board without disturbing others.  Distribute the Part 2 test booklets, answer sheet, calculator, calculator reference sheet, and a new note board once Part 1 has been collected.  Continue timing the test administration.  Record the time candidates begin working in the surveillance log.  Circulate often and quietly.

SAY QUIETLY AND INDIVIDUALLY: On the calculator reference document are examples that can help you feel comfortable with the calculator while completing Part 2.  Do you have any questions about the calculator directions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY  QUIETLY AND INDIVIDUALLY: Your time is continuing from Part 1.  Remember, you have a total of 1 hour and 50 minutes for both parts.

After 1 hour and 40 minutes

SAY TO THE GROUP: You have 10 minutes left to complete this test.

At the end of 1 hour and 50 minutes

SAY TO THE GROUP:  Time is up.  Put your pencils down and close the test booklet.  Remain in your seats while we collect and check the test materials.  Thank you for your participation.

Directions for the Reasoning Through Language Arts Test, General

Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA), Parts 1 – 3, must be administered on the same day.  The following is an overview of the RLA test that you must be familiar with prior to administering the test:

      • The Reasoning Through Language Arts test is a 147-minute test, including a 10-minute break after Part 2:
            • Part 1 is 27 minutes
            • Part 2 (the Extended Response) is 45 minutes
            • A 10-minute break is given after Part 2
            • Part 3 is 65 minutes
      • Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the Reasoning Through Language Arts test must never be administered at separate times.  Each candidate must have his or her own test booklet and answer sheet for the entire testing time. (Each part is a separate booklet that is handed to the test-taker and collected at the conclusion of each part of the test.)
      • Each section is timed separately.  If a candidate finishes one section in less than the allotted time and wishes to move to the next section he or she may do so if the administration is an individual rather than group administration.  Under no circumstances may a candidate return to a previous section at any time after that section has been completed, even if additional unused time remains.
      • For Part 2, all GED® candidates must write their responses to the Extended Response question on the answer documents and may not attach additional paper or use a second answer document if their responses exceed the space provided.  Only the writing on the lined pages as directed in the answer document will be read and scored.

SAY: On the Reasoning Through Language Arts test answer document, review the pre-printed information that appears at the top of the front page. Make sure that your name is printed correctly. Below your name, indicate if there have been any changes to your name since the last time you took a GED® test.

SAY: Below the identification information, the directions are as follows: Use a pencil with an eraser to complete this test. Make solid dark marks that completely fill the circle. Completely erase any answers you wish to change. Do not make any marks other than marking in the squares or writing on the lined pages, when required.

SAY: The Reasoning Through Language Arts test is taken in three parts. The number of questions for each part can be found on the directions page of Part 1.

Directions for the Reasoning Through Language Arts Test, Part 1

Distribute the Reasoning Through Language Arts, Part 1, test booklets.

SAY:  Again, you have 27 minutes to complete Part 1.  I will tell you when you have 5 minutes left to finish Part 1. Open your test booklet to question 1.  The time starts now; you may begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time on the chalkboard or flip chart. Quietly circulate often.

After 22 minutes

SAY: You have 5 minutes left to complete Part 1.

At the end of 27 minutes

SAY: Time is up.  Put your pencils down and close the test booklet.  Remain in your seats while we collect and check the test materials.

Collect the Reasoning Through Language Arts, Part 1, test booklets and answer document. 

Directions for the Reasoning Through Language Arts Test, Part 2

The following is an overview of Part 2 of the RLA test that you must be familiar with prior to administering the test:

• Extended Response Prompts

    • The Extended Response question integrates reading and writing in meaningful tasks that require candidates to support their written analysis with evidence drawn from given source text of appropriate complexity provided in the test.

• Extended Response Score

  • The Extended Response score will be provided to the candidate via the score report.

• See additional guidelines regarding test-taker responses which may contain sensitive material in the Appendix to this document.

After Part 1 materials have been collected and checked, distribute the Reasoning Through Language Arts, Part 2 test booklets

SAY: Again, Part 2 has one Extended Response question. You have 45 minutes to complete Part 2, and there will be 10-minute break after Part 2. I will tell you when you have 10 minutes left to finish the Extended Response question.

SAY: Open the test booklet to the directions page. Here are directions and guidelines to use as you answer the Extended Response question. Following these guidelines as closely as possible will ensure that you provide the best possible response. When you have completed reading the directions and guidelines, please close your test booklet and do not open it again until you are instructed to do so.

Pause for approximately 2-3 minutes while test-takers reach the directions and guidelines.

SAY: Are there any questions about the directions or guidelines?

Pause and answer any questions

SAY: When told, you will open your test booklet and see the passage and Extended Response question.

SAY: You have a lined section labeled PLANNING SPACE FOR EXTENDED RESPONSE QUESTION on pages 2 – 4 of your TEST BOOKLET to draft your response.

SAY: The scorers only score responses written on the lined section of the TEST BOOKLET labeled ANSWER SPACE FOR EXTENDED RESPONSE QUESTION. Please be sure to write your final response here.

SAY: Are there any questions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: Open your test booklet.  The time starts now; you may begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time on the chalkboard or flip chart. Circulate often and quietly.

After 35 minutes

SAY: You have 10 minutes left to complete Part 2.

After 45 minutes

SAY: Time is up. Put your pencils down and close the test booklet. Remain in your seats while we collect and check the test materials.

Collect the Reasoning Through Language Arts, Part 2, test booklets and answer sheets.

After materials have been collected and checked

SAY: You may now take a 10-minute break.

Directions for the Reasoning Through Language Arts Test, Part 3

At the conclusion of the break

SAY: I will now distribute the Reasoning Through Language Arts, Part 3, test booklets and answer sheets. Do not open the booklets until I give you instructions to do so.

Distribute the Reasoning Through Language Arts, Part 3, test booklets.

SAY: You have 65 minutes to complete Part 3. I will tell you when you have 10 minutes left to finish Part 3.

SAY: Open your test booklet. The time starts now; you may begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time on the chalkboard or flip chart. Circulate often and quietly.

After 55 minutes

SAY: You have 10 minutes left to complete Part 3.

At the end of 65 minutes

SAY: Time is up. Put your pencils down and close the test booklet. Remain in your seats while we collect and check the test materials. Thank you for your participation.

Directions for the Science Test

SAY: I will now distribute the Science test and answer document. Do not open the Science test until I give you instructions to do so.

Distribute the Science test booklet, answer document, calculator, calculator reference sheet, note board, and dry erase marker.

SAY: On the Science test answer document, review the pre-printed information that appears at the top of the front page. Make sure that your name is printed correctly. Below your name, indicate if there have been any changes to your name since the last time you took a GED® test.

SAY: Below the identification information, the directions are as follows: Use a pencil with an eraser to complete this test. Make solid dark marks that completely fill the circle. Completely erase any answers you wish to change. Do not make any marks other than marking in the squares or writing in a number, when required. You MAY use a calculator on the Science test.

SAY: You have received a calculator reference document. These examples are to help you feel comfortable with the calculator while completing the test. Do you have any questions about the calculator directions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: You have 88 minutes total to complete the Science test.

 I will make an announcement when there are 10 minutes left.

SAY: Open your test booklet. The time starts now; you may begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time on the chalkboard, whiteboard, or flipchart.

Quietly circulate often.

After 78 minutes

SAY: You have 10 minutes left to complete the test. Please work accordingly.

At the end of 88 minutes

SAY: Time is up. Put your pencils down and close the test booklet. Remain in your seats while we collect and check the test materials. Thank you for your participation.

Directions for the Social Studies Test

SAY: I will now distribute the Social Studies test and answer document. Do not open the Social Studies test until I give you instructions to do so.

Distribute the Social Studies test booklet, answer document, calculator, note board, and dry erase marker.

SAY: On the Social Studies test answer document, review the pre-printed information that appears at the top of the front page. Make sure that your name is printed correctly. Below your name, indicate if there have been any changes to your name since the last time you took a GED® test.

SAY: Below the identification information, the directions are as follows: Use a pencil with an eraser to complete this test. Make solid dark marks that completely fill the circle. Completely erase any answers you wish to change. Do not make any marks other than marking in the squares. You MAY use a calculator on the Social Studies test.

SAY: On page 4 is a calculator reference document. These examples are to help you feel comfortable with the calculator while completing the test. Do you have any questions about the calculator directions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: You have 68 minutes total to complete the Social Studies test. I will make an announcement when there are 10 minutes left.

SAY: Open your test booklet. The time starts now; you may begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time on the chalkboard or flip chart. Circulate often and quietly.

After 58 minutes

SAY: You have 10 minutes left to complete the test. Please work accordingly.

At the end of 68 minutes

SAY: Time is up. Put your pencils down and close the test booklet. Remain in your seats while we collect and check the test materials. Thank you for your participation.


Guidelines for Test Centers, Extended Response Scoring Sites, and Jurisdictional Administrators for Handling GED® Extended Responses of a Sensitive Nature

In general, every effort must be made to keep the responses written by candidates to the Extended Response prompts secure at all times. However, situations occasionally arise when a candidate’s response contains content that threatens harm or violence to self or others, discusses criminal activity, or otherwise addresses issues of a sensitive nature that give the reader a legitimate basis for concern. In these cases, examiners, test center personnel, GED Testing Service trained Extended Response readers, and jurisdictional administrators will need to decide whether any actions are warranted. When deemed appropriate, oral and written notification should be given to state legal authorities and to relevant GED® personnel. Such notification should be made promptly upon discovering the sensitive nature of the Extended Response.


NOTE: Notifications to GED Testing Service should be directed to GEDTS Technology Operations at [email protected].


GED® Testing Centers

If a test administrator believes that a candidate’s Extended Response suggests an intention to cause harm to the candidate himself, herself, or others, or to damage property or commit other crimes (including acts or threats of terrorism), or that the candidate has been the victim of abuse or an assault by another:

• The testing officer should immediately notify the jurisdictional administrator, orally and in writing, and copy GED Testing Service with the notification.
• If possible, the testing officer should contact someone who knows the candidate better, such as a teacher or guidance counselor, to determine if there is reason to believe that the claims or threats are real.

Most states have laws that require that certain officials report cases of neglect or abuse involving minors. While these statutes may not be applicable to individuals who review responses, GED Testing Service believes that such cases should still be reported to a counselor or the state agency.

If state authorities (police, other law enforcement officers, state’s attorney, or an officer of the court) request the original response, the testing officer should comply with the request as long as it is contained in a valid subpoena or other appropriate legal document. Copies of the subpoena or written request must be sent immediately to the jurisdictional administrator and GED Testing Service. The testing officers must advise the jurisdictional administrator and GED Testing Service of any actions or outcomes that result from the reporting of sensitive responses.

GED Jurisdictional Administrators™

If a jurisdictional administrator receives a sensitive response from a GED® testing center the administrator should:

      • Contact the jurisdiction’s internal legal department for advice, including advice on complying with any applicable state or provincial laws.
      • Act upon the advice of the jurisdiction’s legal department and if appropriate, contact the state’s/province’s agency that protects minors (if the candidate is under age 18).
      • Comply with any subpoena or other appropriate legal document if state authorities (police, other law enforcement officers, state’s attorney, or an officer of the court) request the original response. Copies of the subpoena or other written request must be sent immediately to GED Testing Service.
      • Notify GED Testing Service, orally and in writing, of all actions or outcomes that result from the reporting of sensitive responses and provide a copy of the original response.





These directions are applicable to all GED® tests and should be read verbatim before any Candidate begins taking the GED® tests. If testing order differs from that in this booklet, read these directions aloud before the first test.

SAY: On behalf of the GED Testing Service, and [name of your local testing center], I welcome you today to GED® testing, and wish you success in earning a [name of your jurisdiction’s credential].

SAY: Please check around your seat and on your person. Take tote bags, purses, pens, pencils, backpacks, calculators, jackets, coats, hats, food items, books, dictionaries, notebooks, scratch paper, and electronic devices, including cell phones and cameras, and any other not approved items to the designated storage area before we start the testing session. Turn off all cell phones, pagers, or other electronic devices before placing them in the storage area.

Pause and allow Candidates time to store their possessions.

SAY: If during or after testing any of these items are found at your seat or in your possession, we will collect your test materials, your test fee will be forfeited, your test scores will not be released, you will be required to leave the testing center and you may be prohibited from taking the GED® test in the future.

SAY: Now, let us review a few general guidelines.

SAY: The test booklets will be re-used. Please do not mark or write in the test booklets. Anyone writing or in any way defacing a test booklet will be charged a replacement fee and test results will not be reported to that individual until the replacement fee is paid.

SAY: You may leave the testing room only after you complete a test and we collect your testing materials and I have given you permission to get out of your seat and leave. If you have an emergency and must leave the testing room, we will collect all of your testing materials and you will not be allowed to continue on the test on which you are working. We will score the incomplete test. You can start testing when the next test session begins.

SAY: There is some information that you need to know before you start the test. You should not spend too much time on a question whose answer you do not know; answer it if you can, and go on to the next question. It is to your advantage to answer every question. Your score is determined by the number of questions you answer correctly. Even if you are not certain of the answer to a question, you may wish to mark the answer that appears to be the best of the five choices. There is only one correct answer to each question. There is no credit if you mark more than one answer to a question.

SAY: You must use a number two pencil when answering the multiple-choice questions in your answer sheet.

SAY: Be sure that your marks on the answer sheet are dark and completely fill the circle. Make no stray marks on the answer sheet. If you erase, do so completely; an incomplete erasure may result in an incorrect answer. Make sure that every circle you mark on the answer sheet corresponds to the number of the question and to your answer choice. Please do not write in the test booklet.

SAY: Are there any questions about recording your answers on the answer sheet?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: During testing, do not look at any other Candidate’s answer sheet, do not talk, and do not make any unnecessary noise. If you appear to be copying answers, using notes, or acting suspiciously, we will collect your test materials, your test fee will be forfeited, your test scores will not be released, you will be required to leave the testing center and you may be prohibited from taking the GED®
test in the future. Likewise, if your activity makes it difficult for others to concentrate on their work, we will collect your test materials your test fee will be forfeited, your test scores will not be released, you will be required to leave the testing center and you may be prohibited from taking the GED® test in the future.

SAY: The only items that should be on your desk are the materials we give to you.


Mathematics Test Part I and Mathematics Test Part II must be administered on the same day.

Distribute Mathematics Test Booklet I, calculator, answer sheet, and pre-marked colored scratch paper.

SAY: On the Mathematics answer sheet, listen as I read the instructions that appear at the top of the front page in the section marked “To the Candidate:”

SAY: Please follow the instructions so that you properly record the information to make sure you receive the results of your test.

SAY: You have been provided a number two pencil and eraser to complete this test. Make solid, dark marks that completely fill the circles. Completely erase any answers you wish to change.

SAY: Now look at the upper left-hand corner for the section marked TODAY’S DATE.  Today’s date is _________. Darken the circle that corresponds with the correct month. Under the boxes labeled DAY, write in today’s date and then darken the corresponding circle(s). (If today’s date is a single-digit number, tell Candidates: Please put a zero in the first column.) In the boxes labeled YEAR, write in the correct calendar year, and then darken the corresponding circles.

SAY: Find the grid for ID Number Type. Darken the circle next to your ID Number Type. This must match the information that you provided on your demographics form. The demographics form is the eight-page document you filled out when you applied to take the GED® test.

SAY: In the grid for Birth Date, darken the circle that corresponds to the month that you were born. Under the boxes labeled DAY, write in the day that you were born, and then darken the corresponding circles. If the date of your birth is a single-digit number, you must enter a zero in the first column. In the boxes labeled YEAR, write in the correct calendar year you were born, and then darken the corresponding circles.

SAY: In the Identification Number grid, write in your Identification Number or letters. If the ID contains blanks, leave the box blank. Then darken the corresponding circle for each digit or letter in the ID. Be sure to fill in the blank circle if you want to leave a space in the ID number.

SAY: Under last and first name, write your name as it appears on the identification document(s) you presented today. Use that name each time you take any of the GED® tests. Darken the circles that correspond to the letters in your name.

SAY: If you do not use the same name that you wrote on your demographics form, your records will be incomplete and it may hinder the scoring of your test.

SAY: If your name is longer than the space provided, please enter as much as will fit. If there is a space in your name, leave a box empty.

SAY: Enter your middle initial in the “MI” box and darken the appropriate circle.

SAY: If you have “Jr.,” Sr.,” or Roman numerals after your name, please enter that in the SUFFIX boxes and darken the appropriate circles. Otherwise, leave this area blank.

SAY: In the boxes in the lower right-hand corner, indicate if there have been any changes to your name or address since the last time you took this GED® test by darkening the appropriate circle.

SAY: Indicate if this is the first time you’ve ever taken the GED® tests by darkening the appropriate circle.

SAY: Are there any questions about the completion of page 1?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: Now turn to the back of the Mathematics Test answer sheet.

SAY: On the left-hand side of your Mathematics Test answer sheet, the directions are as follows:
Do not fold the sheet or make any marks other than writing in the boxes and filling in the circles. Folds and stray marks on the sheet may result in incomplete information or an inaccurate score. Part I of the Mathematics Test permits the use of a calculator. You may not use a calculator on Part II. At the end of Part I, the staff will collect colored scratch paper and calculators. A second test booklet will be given to you at the beginning of Part II.

SAY: There is a grid on the right-hand side, with the words TEST FORM written on the top. To find your test form, look on the cover of your test booklet. In the upper right-hand corner, you will see the words TEST FORM. Find the two-letter test form that starts with the letter I. Darken each of the circles under these two letters.

SAY: Look on the cover of your test booklet. In the upper left-hand corner, find the two-letter format code. On the answer sheet, darken each of the circles corresponding to the test format code in the Format Code box.

SAY: Are there any questions about darkening the corresponding circles for the test form and format code? You must darken the circle in both sections correctly in order for your answer sheet to be accurately scored.

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: The Mathematics Test is in two parts. Part I is a multiple-choice test with six alternate formats and one coordinate plane grid. The time allowed for the Mathematics Test is 90 minutes. You will have 45 minutes to complete the 25 questions in this Part I booklet. Work carefully, but do not spend too much time on any one question. Be sure to answer every question.

SAY: If you complete Part I before the end of Part I, you may raise your hand and the Examiner will come and collect your calculator, and give you Part II of the Mathematics Test.

SAY: Turn your test booklet over and read the Calculator Directions and the sample questions provided on the back cover. These examples are to help you feel comfortable with the calculator while completing Part I. Do not open the booklet yet.

SAY: Do you have any questions about the calculator directions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: Open the test booklet from the back cover. Turn another page back to find the page titled Mathematics Tests of General Educational Development: Directions. Use your erasable board to cover any text visible before the directions. The pages from here to the end of the booklet will give you directions and examples for the multiple-choice portion of the test, including for alternate format test items you will encounter. Read the Directions. Once you have finished reading, close the test booklet and turn it over so the front cover is on top. Put your scratch paper under or to the side of the test booklet. Wait for directions before continuing.


SAY: Formulas that you may need are on page 2. Only some of the questions will require you to use a formula. You will not need all formulas.

SAY: Open your test booklet to page 3. The time starts now; you may begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time Candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time on the chalkboard or flip chart. After the Candidates start the test, walk around the room and check the answer sheets to ensure that the Candidates are in the correct section of the answer sheet. Circulate often and quietly.

After 35 minutes:

SAY: You have 10 minutes left to complete Part I of the Mathematics Test. Please work accordingly.

At the end of 45 minutes:

Be sure everyone (including Candidates who have already begun working on Part II of the mathematics test) stops working while you collect calculators and colored scratch paper.

SAY: Put your pencils down, close your test booklets, and remain seated. The staff will come around and collect your calculators and colored scratch paper.


Distribute Mathematics Test Part II Booklets and new colored scratch paper.

SAY: You have 45 minutes to complete Part II of the Mathematics Test. The time starts now; you may begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time Candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time on the chalkboard or flip chart.

After the Candidates start the test, walk around the room and check the answer sheets to ensure that the Candidates are in the correct section of the answer sheet. Circulate often and quietly.

After 35 minutes:

SAY: You have 10 minutes left to complete this test. Please work accordingly.

At the end of 45 minutes:

SAY: Time is up. Put your pencils down and close the test booklets and answer sheets. Remain in your seats while we collect and check the test materials before you leave the testing room. Thank you for your cooperation.


Distribute test booklet, answer sheet, blue or black pen, and lined colored scratch paper.

SAY: Do not open your test booklets until instructed to do so.

SAY: On the Language Arts, Writing Test, listen as I read the instructions that appear on the front page under “To the Candidate.”

Read instructions aloud.

SAY: You will need a number two pencil with an eraser to complete this test. Use only this number two pencil.

SAY: Make solid, dark marks that completely fill the circles on the answer sheet.

SAY: Completely erase any answers you wish to change.

SAY: The upper left-hand corner is the section for today’s date. Today’s date is_____________. Darken the circle that corresponds with the correct month. Under the boxes labeled DAY, write in today’s date.

SAY: Please put a zero in the first column. In the boxes under YEAR, write in the correct year, and then darken the corresponding circles.

SAY: Find the grid for ID Number Type. Darken the circle next to your ID Number Type. This answer must match the information that you provided on your demographics booklet. The demographics form is the eight-page document you filled out when you applied to take the GED® test.

SAY: In the grid for Birth Date, darken the circle that corresponds with the month that you were born. In the boxes labeled DAY, write in the day that you were born, and then darken the corresponding circles. If the date of your birth is a single-digit number, you must enter a zero in the first column. In the boxes labeled YEAR, write in the correct calendar year of your birth, and then darken the corresponding circles.

SAY: In the Identification Number grid, write in your Identification Number or letters. If the ID contains blanks, leave the box blank. Then darken the corresponding circle for each digit or letter in the ID. Be sure to fill in the blank circle if you want to leave a space in the ID number.

SAY: Fill in your name as it appears on the identification document you presented today. Use that name each time you take any of the GED® tests.

SAY: If you do not use the same name that you wrote on your demographics form, your records will be incomplete, and it may hinder the scoring of your test.

SAY: If your name is longer than the space provided, please enter as much as will fit. If there is a space in your name, leave a box empty.

SAY: Enter your middle initial in the “MI” box and darken the appropriate circle.

SAY: If you have “Jr.,” Sr.,” or Roman numerals after your name, please enter that in the SUFFIX boxes and darken the appropriate circles. Otherwise, leave this area blank.

SAY: In the boxes in the lower right-hand corner, indicate if there have been any changes to your name or address since the last time you took the GED® tests by darkening the appropriate circle.

SAY: The last box on the front page asks, “Is this the first time you have ever taken the GED® tests since January 1, 2002?” Darken the appropriate circle for “yes” or “no.”

SAY: Are there any questions about the completion of page 1?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: Please turn to the second page of the answer sheet, which reads “Test Form” at the top.

SAY: On the cover of your test booklet, in the upper right-hand corner, you will see the words TEST FORM. Find the two-letter test form that starts with the letter I. At the top of second page, darken the circle under these two letters.

SAY: Look on the cover of your test booklet. In the upper left-hand corner, find the two-letter format code. On the second page of the answer sheet, darken the circle corresponding to the test format code in the Format Code box.

SAY: Are there any questions about darkening the corresponding circles for the test form and format code? You must darken the circle in both sections correctly in order to be sure your answer sheet is accurately scored.

SAY: Turn to the third page of your answer sheet, which reads “Writing Test: Part II” at the top.

SAY: At the top of the third page, there is a section consisting of 20 boxes over the words IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. Please write in the same number that you wrote on the right-hand side of page 1.

SAY: The Topic box has already been filled in with a letter. If the circle is blank, raise your hand and I will come to you and darken the appropriate circle.
Note: If the Topic Letter is blank, the GED Chief Examiner™ or GED Examiner™ must go to the Candidate and fill in the proper circle from either the test booklet or the Essay Topic Card.


Note: Writing Part I and Writing Part II Essay must be administered on the same day.

SAY: The Language Arts, Writing Test is in two parts. Part I has 50 questions, and Part II requires that you write an essay. The time allowed for the Language Arts, Writing Test is two hours. Use the first 75 minutes to answer the 50 multiple-choice questions by marking your responses on the second page of the answer sheet. You will have the remaining 45 minutes to write your essay on the third and fourth pages of the answer sheet. If you finish the multiple-choice questions before the first 75 minutes are up, you may begin writing your essay immediately. You must begin the essay at the end of the first 75 minutes. When you finish writing your essay, you may go back and review your answers to the multiple-choice questions, unless the entire two-hour testing period has ended.

SAY: Turn your test booklet over and read the directions and the sample question provided on the back cover. This example is for the multiple choice questions. Do not open the booklet until told to do so.


Note: If the answer sheet has double circles, only the inner circle should be darkened.

SAY: Do you have any questions about the multiple-choice directions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: Open the back cover of your test booklet. On the left-hand side of the booklet are directions on how to write your essay. You will find the essay topic you must write about in the box on the right-hand side of the booklet. Please read the directions and the essay topic. When you have completed reading the directions and the essay topic, please close your book and turn to the front cover. Do not open your test booklet until you are instructed to do so.


SAY: Remember, you must use a ballpoint pen and write your essay only on the topic letter darkened on the third page of your answer sheet. The scoring service will not read your essay if you write on any other topic, and you will have to take both parts of the Language Arts, Writing Test again.

SAY: Are there any questions about the essay directions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: You have a sheet of lined colored scratch paper to use when you write your draft essay. The scoring service only reads and scores essays written on page three and four of the answer sheet. We will collect the lined colored scratch paper at the end of the test and shred it. Write your final essay in blue or black ballpoint INK ONLY on the third and fourth page of your Language Arts, Writing Test answer sheet.

SAY: Are there any questions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: Two hours is sufficient time for nearly everyone to finish both parts of the Language Arts, Writing Test. I will tell you when you have 10 minutes left to finish the multiple-choice test questions. At the end of 75 minutes, you must put your pencils down, turn to the third page of the Language Arts, Writing Test answer sheet, and use your pen to begin your essay. If you finish your essay early, you may go back and work on Part I of the Language Arts, Writing Test. If you finish the multiple- choice questions before I call time, you may start writing your essay.

SAY: Remember that you are to complete your answers to the multiple choice questions with a pencil. You are to write your essay with a ballpoint pen.

SAY: Are there any questions about the Language Arts, Writing Test?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: Turn to the second page of your Language Arts, Writing Test answer sheet.


SAY: Open your Language Arts, Writing Test Booklet to page 2. Write only on the answer sheet and colored scratch paper. DO NOT write in the Language Arts, Writing Test booklet. The time starts now; you may begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time Candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time on the chalkboard or flipchart.

After the Candidates start the test, walk around the room and check the answer sheets to ensure that the Candidates are in the correct section of the answer sheet. Circulate often and quietly.

After 65 minutes:

SAY: You have 10 minutes left to complete Part I of the multiple-choice part of the Language Arts, Writing Test.

After 75 minutes:

SAY: Put your pencils down. You now have 45 minutes to write your assigned essay. Remember to write your essay with a blue or black ballpoint pen on pages 3 and 4 of the answer sheet. Do not write your final essay in the test booklet or on the colored scratch paper. If I have not called time before you complete your essay, you may go back and review your multiple-choice answers or answer any questions you have left unanswered.

SAY: You have 45 minutes to write your essay. The time starts now; you may begin.

Record the start and end time. Early in the session, check to see that GED® Candidates are writing their essays in ink on pages 3 and 4 and that they have bubbled in the assigned topic correctly. Circulate often and quietly.

When 10 minutes remain:

SAY: You have 10 minutes left to complete this test. Please work accordingly. At the end of the 10 minutes, we will collect all test booklets, answer sheets, and colored scratch paper.

When the end of the testing time is reached:

SAY: Time is up. Please put your pencils and pens down and close the test booklets and answer sheets. Remain in your seats while we collect and check the test materials before you leave the testing room. Thank you for your cooperation.


SAY: On the Science, Social Studies, and Reading answer sheet, listen as I read the instructions that appear at the top of the front page in the section marked “To the Candidate.”

SAY: Please follow the instructions closely so that you properly record the information to make sure you receive the results of your test.

SAY: You will need a number two pencil with an eraser to complete this test. Use only a number two pencil. Make solid, dark marks that completely fill the circles. Completely erase any answers you wish to change.

SAY: Now look at the upper left-hand corner for the section marked TODAY’S DATE. Today’s date is ____________. Darken the circle that corresponds with the correct month. Under the boxes labeled DAY, write in today’s date and then darken the corresponding circle(s). (If today’s date is a single-digit number, tell Candidates

SAY: Please put a zero in the first column.) In the boxes labeled YEAR, write in the correct calendar year, and then darken the corresponding circles.

SAY: Find the grid for ID Number Type. Darken the circle next to your ID Number Type. This must match the information that you provided on your demographics form. The demographics form is the eight-page document you filled out when you applied to take the GED® test.

SAY: In the grid for Birth Date, darken the circle that corresponds to the month that you were born. Under the boxes labeled DAY, write in the day that you were born, and then darken the corresponding circles. If the date of your birth is a single-digit number, you must enter a zero in the first column. In the boxes labeled YEAR, write in the correct calendar year you were born, and then darken the corresponding circles.

SAY: In the Identification Number grid, write in your Identification Number or letters. If the ID contains blanks, leave the box blank. Then darken the corresponding circle for each digit or letter in the ID Be sure to fill in the blank circle if you want to leave a space in the ID number.

SAY: Fill in your name as it appears on the identification document you presented today. Use that name each time you take any of the GED® tests.

SAY: If you do not use the same, name that you wrote on your demographics form, your records will be incomplete and it may hinder the scoring of your test.

SAY: If your name is longer than the space provided, please enter as much as will fit. If there is a space in your name, leave a box empty.

SAY: Enter your middle initial in the “MI” box and darken the appropriate circle.

SAY: If you have “Jr.,” Sr.,” or Roman numerals after your name, please enter that in the SUFFIX boxes and darken the appropriate circles. Otherwise, leave this area blank.

SAY: In the boxes in the lower right-hand corner, indicate if there have been any changes to your name or address since the last time you took the GED®tests by darkening the appropriate circle.


Distribute the Science Test booklet and colored scratch paper.

SAY: Please turn to the back of the answer sheet.

SAY: The Science Test answer sheet is located on the left-hand side of the page. Use your colored scratch paper to cover the Social Studies Test and Language Arts, Reading Test answer areas so that you can focus on the Science Test circles. On the cover of your test booklet, in the upper right-hand corner, you will see the words TEST FORM. Find the two-letter test form that starts with the letter I. At the top of page 2 of your answer sheet, darken the circles under these two letters.

SAY: Look on the cover of your test booklet. In the upper left-hand corner, find the two-letter format code. On the second page of the answer sheet, darken the circles corresponding to the test format code in the Format Code box.

SAY: Are there any questions about darkening the corresponding circles for the test form and format code? You must darken the correct circle for both in order for your answer sheet to be scored correctly.

SAY: Turn the test booklet over and read the directions and the sample question provided on the back cover. Do not open the test booklet yet.


SAY: Are there any questions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: The time allotted for the Science Test is 80 minutes. The time will be sufficient for nearly everyone to finish the test. I will let you know when you have 10 minutes to finish your work.

SAY: Are there any questions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: Open your test booklet to page 2. The time starts now; you may begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time Candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time on the chalkboard or flipchart. After the Candidates start the test, walk around the room and check the answer sheets to ensure that the Candidates are in the correct section of the answer sheet. Circulate often and quietly.

When 10 minutes remain:

SAY: You have 10 minutes left to complete this test. Please work accordingly. At the end of the 10 minutes, I will collect all test booklets, answer sheets, and colored scratch paper.

At the end of the testing time:

SAY: Time is up. Please put your pencils down. Close your test booklet and turn over your answer sheet. Remain in your seats while we collect and check the test materials before you leave the testing room. Thank you for your cooperation.


SAY: Please turn to the back of the answer sheet.

SAY: The Social Studies Test answer area is located in the center of the answer sheet. Use your colored scratch paper to cover the Science Test answer area so that you can focus on the Social Studies Test section.

SAY: On the cover of your test booklet, in the upper right-hand corner, you will see the words TEST FORM. Find the two-letter test form that starts with the letter I. At the top and center of page 2, of your answer sheet directly under Social Studies, darken the circles under these two letters.

SAY: Look on the cover of your test booklet. In the upper left-hand corner, find the two-letter format code. On the answer sheet under Social Studies, darken the circles corresponding to the test format code in the Format Code box.

SAY: Are there any questions about darkening the corresponding circles for the test form and format code? You must darken the correct circles for both in order to score your answer sheet correctly.

SAY: Turn the test booklet over and read the directions and the sample question provided on the back cover. Do not open the test booklet yet.


SAY: Are there any questions about the Social Studies Test directions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: The time allotted for the Social Studies Test is 70 minutes. The time will be sufficient for nearly everyone to finish the test. I will let you know when you have 10 minutes left to finish your work.

SAY: Are there any questions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: Open your test booklet to page 2. The time starts now; you may begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time Candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time on the chalkboard or flipchart.

After the Candidates start the test, walk around the room and check the answer sheets to ensure that the Candidates are in the correct section of the answer sheet. Circulate often and quietly.

When 10 minutes remain:

SAY: You have 10 minutes left to complete this test. Please work accordingly. At the end of the 10 minutes, all test booklets, answer sheets, and colored scratch paper will be collected.

When the end of the testing time is reached:

SAY: Time is up. Please put your pencil down and close your test booklets. Remain in your seats while we collect and check the test materials. Thank you for your cooperation.


SAY: Please turn to the back of the answer sheet.

SAY: The answer sheet for the Reading Test is located on the right-hand side of the page. Use your colored scratch paper to cover the Science Test and Social Studies Test sections so that you can focus on the Reading Test circles. On the cover of your test booklet, in the upper right-hand corner, you will see the words TEST FORM. Find the two-letter test form that starts with the letter I. At the top of page 2 of your answer sheet, darken each of the circles under these two letters.

SAY: Look on the cover of your test booklet. In the upper left-hand corner, find the two-letter format code. On the answer sheet under Reading, darken each of the circles corresponding to the test format code in the Format Code box.

SAY: Are there any questions about darkening the corresponding circles for the test form and format code? You must darken the correct circles for both in order for your answer sheet to be scored correctly.

SAY: Turn the test booklet over and read the instructions and the sample question provided on the back cover. Do not open the test booklet yet.


SAY: Are there any questions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: The time allotted for the Language Arts, Reading Test is 65 minutes. The time will be sufficient for nearly everyone to finish the test. I will let you know when you have 10 minutes left to finish your work.

SAY: Are there any questions?

Pause and answer any questions.

SAY: The time starts now; you may now begin.

Start timing the test administration immediately. Record the time Candidates begin working in the surveillance log. Write the beginning and ending time for on the chalkboard or flip chart.

After the Candidates start the test, walk around the room and check the answer sheets to ensure that the Candidates are in the correct section of the answer sheet. Circulate often and quietly.

When 10 minutes remain:

SAY: You have 10 minutes left to complete this test. Please work accordingly. At the end of the 10 minutes, I will collect all test booklets, answer sheets, and colored scratch paper.

If you are administering the Language Arts, Reading, Science, and Social Studies tests at the same time, then provide a way of notifying Candidates when the end of the testing time is reached without disturbing other Candidates who have more time to complete their tests.

SAY: Time is up. Please put your pencils down. Close your test booklet and turn over your answer sheet. Remain in your seats while we collect and check the test materials before you leave the testing room. Thank you for your cooperation.